Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Last Ramblings of 2008

Can I summarize what this year has been in one blog post? Nope. Will I try? Why the heck not? I don't have anything better to do. I mean I do, but I'm a procrastinator, so I'll do this instead.

Something borrowed, something not given back

We moved this year. After moving in together last year, we moved yet again, this year, because of our psycho ex-neighbors. They liked to do lots of fun things including but not limited to: lifting weights at 3 a.m. and dropping them, blocking in our cars and verbally threatening us about it, having parties on weeknights, verbally threatening us some more, being loud, being crazy and loud, being shady. There is so much more but I prefer not to jump into that part of my brain that has already repressed it. So, we moved. We are living in a great place now. Our neighbors are dead. (We didn't kill them, it's a graveyard). On the whole it's pretty peaceful here, and we have a good amount of space. However, it gets pretty cold, lack of good insulation. Argh.

The Twilight of Our Years

I read the twilight series. Yes, you heard correctly, the series for middle school students about vampires and falling in love. I was curious. Let me tell you though, even though those books were so poorly written they could've been written by middle schoolers, I liked them anyway. I don't know what drew me to poorly done middle school literature, but I read ravenously, until I finished all the books, a day or two later.

Snotty Mcgee

I had the supercold of the year. Seriously. I have not had so much snot come of me since, I have no idea when. Pretty pathetic, but true. And now Pierre thinks he's coming down with it, poor child. I probably got it from the pre school kids I was teaching. Kids are always snotty. But they're cute. I'll miss those lil ones while I do student teaching. It's at times like these that I wish I was superwoman like my mom and could have a full time job and student teach, but i don't feel like killing myself this spring.

Messy Jessie

My mom comes by the other day and is overwhelmed by the mess. You know what I want to say to her. HEY LADY. I DON'T HAVE A HOUSEKEEPER. AND I'M NOT GOOD AT THIS CLEANING THING. AND NEITHER IS MY FIANCEE. OH AND WE HAVE BEEN PACKING HIS MOM UP FOR FLORIDA, SO WE HAVE NOT BEEN AROUND. Or I could just say this.
I need to work on my cleaning skills .. . or lack thereof.

Dropping of the Shiny Ball

So New Year's is rapidly approaching, and of course all my well intentioned plans fall apart. We'll be lucky if we have 6 guests. I wonder, when, one day, I'll actually be able to have a successful dinner party, or am I forever doomed to be horrible at entertaining and party planning, and does it even matter? I try to be a good hostess and planner, but no one really gives a crap. I think to myself, why do I attempt these gatherings and stuff? Cause I'm a momma type and I love my friends, and despite all of our shortcomings I love seeing them, for however long I can. I'm a sucker. Jessie=Pathetic.

So, in my snotty state of post cold insanity, off I go to attempt to clean my apartment and fail miserably . ..
wishing the one dude in Japan who reads this a great new year
and to all a good day ( I tip my hat to you)(whoever actually reads this).

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