So, yesterday, while volunteering at CHCC, where my mom works, a woman asked me about internet dating. I suppose it was because my mom must have told her that Pierre and I met online.
I told the woman my view- which is simply that I think its a good idea, however one must be cautious. She told me how a friend's daughter wouldn't go on jdate and the mom was desperate for her to. The thing that people don't seem to realize is that the internet won't change who you are or make you more appealing. If you are shy and socially awkward it will come through. The internet isn't a miracle worker, its just a means to an end. And like anything else- you have to want it.
So, if your daughter is pretty,quiet, and socially inept, the internet can't change that. However, a vodka martini can make it a little better, for you and your kid.